Monday, November 23, 2009

Week Two Recap


Akaoni - who has managed to go (almost) undefeated! With an amazing 25-1 record, Syracuse's surprising win of the Coaches Versus Cancer Tourney over powerhouses California and North Carolina, he deserves the first place position.

Phunmunki - went 15-2, led by Villanova stomping through the Puerto Rico Tip-off over Dayton and Mississippi, bouncing back from a lackluster 5-4 start.

Some Guy in Illinois - sure, Mississippi lost the Puerto Rico, and North Carolina lost the CVC, but a 16-2 record this week shot him up into second place. Nice job!


The CEO - five losses, three against other players, dropped The CEO into last place. Oklahoma's loss to VCU is a bad sign, UNI, Oakland, San Diego St, and Arkansas are showing signs of dragging The CEO down. Can Michigan State carry him through...

NotaTurtle - okay some of his six losses were underdog fights that he wasn't likely to win anyway, but still, pretty sucky.

Jutdog - no excuses here - six losses are medals of "crap" around the neck of this squad. Utah State dropped two games, Kansas State fell to Mississippi, and Boston College's loss to St. Joes is inexcusable (unlike Cornell and Radford's losses, which are natural.)


# 1. AKaoni - 35 (25-1)
# 2. Some Guy in Illinois - 30 (24-4)
# 3. Boaris - 28 (20-4)
# 4. Phunmunki - 27 (20-6)
# 5. Jaybird - 27 (19-7)
# 6. Gunz - 26 (20-2)
# 7. Babblemur - 26 (20-4)
# 8. Jutdog - 23 (19-6)
# 9. NotaTurtle - 20 (20-6)
# 10. The CEO - 18 (16-6)


akaoni said...

Why the continued mis-capitalization of AKaoni? It should read akaoni or Akaoni, or perhaps AKAONI (if use of caps were commensurate to ass kicking). If you want to linguistically break down the name it should be:

aka = japanese adjective/prefex meaning red
oni = japanese noun meaning ogre or demon.

thus AkaOni could be appropriate, although I think that confuses most people who mistakenly think that aka=also known as.

akaoni said...

Oh wait, cut and paste would probably be the culprit huh?

BAbblemur said...

Logical assumption, Mr. SPock.

Carlos Gee said...

Logical assumption, Mr. SPock.

Aliciapuao said...

Logical assumption, Mr. SPock.